AIDA-America Corp.

AIDA-America Corp.
Dayton, Ohio
phone: 937/237-2382



AIDA is a leading supplier of metal stamping presses and metalforming equipment. Through engineering, manufacturing, sales, service, and support, AIDA provides essential partnerships to numerous industries worldwide.  


AIDA servo and mechanical stamping presses are available in capacities from 35 to 4,000 tons and 1 to 800 strokes per minute. Single press, tandem line, high speed, lamination, and cold forging models for single stroke, transfer, and progressive die applications provide a full range of production capabilities.


Additionally, AIDA offers robust material handling and automation systems for complete turn-key solutions produced by a single manufacturer. Sales, service, engineering, and manufacturing locations in more than 40 cities across 20 countries support press installations exceeding 80,000 units in over 60 countries. These systems stamp products for the automotive, appliance, electronics, electrical, and consumer goods sectors.

Featured Product: AIDA Servo presses


AIDA introduced the world's first direct drive servo stamping presses in 2002 and has maintained the position of technology leader in developing servoforming presses. AIDA DSF Series (Direct Drive Servo Former) servo presses represent the pinnacle of advanced engineering and manufacturing in the metalforming and stamping press industries. AIDA servo presses produce countless parts across many sectors and industries worldwide.

From demanding high strength and ultra-high strength steels and aluminum applications for the automotive industry, to incredibly precise tolerance requirements for the aerospace and medical industries, and for parts of all shapes, sizes, and production volumes, AIDA servo presses enable manufacturers to consistently and efficiently produce high quality parts.