June 14, 2022 - Evolving from a proven straightener design originally launched in 2016, COE’s Precision Power Straightener can process coil at widths from 1.0 in. to 78 in. thickness up to 0.650 in., weights up to 40,000 lbs., and yield strengths up to 300 KSI while holding flatness tolerances of 0.003 in. TIR across 18 in.
June 8, 2022 - Global Shop Solutions has a solution for its customers – Virtual Controller, a new financial consulting service that helps manufacturers complete month-end on time and close an employee gap that could have a serious impact on their businesses.
May 31, 2022 - Lantek Expert V2021 programming solution for 2D cutting and punching machines by Lantek Sheetmetal Solutions USA offers shops a powerful new tool to destroy the slugs created as a result of laser cut applications.
May 26, 2022 - HGG Profiling Equipment recently introduced its Remote Service Support capability with augmented reality (AR).
May 24, 2022 - The Steco Corporation has introduced a solid stick lubricant under the Tap Magic label that is a solid performer for any application where a liquid lubricant just won’t work.