Rail Car

BOB DYLAN’s first permanent artwork has been installed on the grounds of a wine estate in southern France.

BOB DYLAN’s first permanent artwork has been installed on the grounds of a wine estate in southern France. Constructed from seven tons of wrought iron, Rail Car has been installed on actual train tracks as part of the art and architecture trail at Château La Coste vineyard in Provence, France. Dylan said the artwork “represents perception and reality at the same time. All the iron has been recontextualized to represent peace, quiet and serenity.” The artist cited “the enormous energy of the work,” saying it represents “the illusions of one journey rather than the contemplation of one.” Rail Car continues Dylan’s sculptural artworks in welded metal that were first displayed publicly in 2013, with a set of steel gates titled Mood Swings installed at London’s Halcyon Gallery.

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