October, 2022- “Awakening” is a large-scale interactive steel sculpture designed and engineered by RYAN ELMENDORF and NICK GEURTS for the 2016 Burning Man Festival.
October, 2022- “Awakening” is a large-scale interactive steel sculpture designed and engineered by RYAN ELMENDORF and NICK GEURTS for the 2016 Burning Man Festival. The 20-ft.-tall head and hands are placed with palms facing inward, as if the giant is looking at its hands for the first time. Contoured steel plates ¼ in. thick were plasma cut and welded into grid sections, then bolted together on site to create the skull and its appendages. Festival visitors were able to enter the head, inside which they could view the desert surroundings. The head also held a control room for the hands. Electric motors and aircraft cables inside the hands allowed visitors to articulate movement.